Privacy Policy

In accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (hereinafter “the Law”), we ask you to carefully read the Terms and Conditions contained in this document, since the contribution you make of Your Personal Data and/or Sensitive Data constitutes acceptance of these Terms and Conditions: The concepts “Personal Data” and “Sensitive Data” are defined by article 3 of the Mexican Law.

The Personal Data and Sensitive Data provided by you will be used by Very Muy Épico (hereinafter “VME”) with address at El Peñón s/n, Ejido La Albarrada, Temascaltepec, C.P. 51305, State of Mexico.

VME is responsible for your personal information, as well as its protection.

Your personal information will be used, but not limited, to provide the services and products you have requested, send you relevant information about our products, changes in them and evaluate the quality of the service we provide. For these purposes, we need to obtain Personal Data such as: full name, address, email, and telephone, as well as Sensitive Personal Data such as: age and gender, weight, height, among others.

Once you provide VME with your Personal Data and/or Sensitive Data, we inform you that these will be kept in different secure means that technology allows, whose access will be limited only to natural and/or legal persons with whom VME has some legal relationship. VME will take the security measures it deems appropriate to protect the use of your Personal Data and/or Sensitive Data by unauthorized third parties. In the event of a request from any authority, the Personal Data and/or Sensitive Data may be made available to them, in strict compliance with the Law.

The treatment of your Personal Data and/or Sensitive Data, which have been made available to VME in any form or circumstance, may be carried out by VME in accordance with these terms and conditions, so from this moment it is understood that you expressly authorize VME for this purpose, until you express your opposition through any of the means indicated by the Law. On the other hand, we inform you that your data may be transferred to entities of the same group of the company, national or foreign, with the general objective of fulfilling the purposes for which you have provided your data.

You will always have access to your Personal Data and/or Sensitive Personal Data and may exercise any of the “ARCO” rights (Access, Rectification, Cancellation or Opposition).

The temporality of the handling of Personal Data and/or Sensitive Data will be indefinite from the date on which you provided them to VME, which of course you may oppose at any time you deem appropriate by giving the corresponding notice.

Finally, you are informed that by providing your data, you state that you are not registered in the Public Registry of Consumers who refuse to have any type of commercial communication with suppliers of goods and services. We reserve the right to make changes or updates to this privacy notice at any time.

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